So he went to the doctor FINALLY. But we found out that he had seriously high BP and needs to take medication.
I should be happy, right?
Well.......(and here's where the selfish me rears her ugly head) the medicine he was prescribed has a few side effects.
Can you guess what one of them are?!?
E muthafuckin D 😩😩😩
At this point I want to kill myself.
Not really but you know what I mean.
So 2 weeks ago we tried it. It just was a disaster. The foreplay was awkward, he did something mid act that pissed me off, then he caught a "Charlie Horse" which is total bs! I believe he faked that to hide the fact that he was losing his erection.
Why do I think that?
Because when I tried to get on top he fought against it...telling me his leg hurt too much.
I'm fresh outta fuckin patience.....and I've been thinking about/fantasizing about past partners.
Now I'd never do something like that...but it's getting harder and harder.
I'm at the end of my rope